These hip arthritis exercises and stretches will provide strength and flexibility to the hip joint, which will help with pain management. First, it is important to warm up you can use a pedal bike to do this ...I purchased mine on Amazon here is the link if you need one:Pedal Exerciser Mini Exercise Bike Foot Peddler for Leg and Arm Rehab Low Impact Under Desk … 3-5 minutes on the bike before stretching or exercising will provide blood flow and circulation to the joint and provide pain relief. This is also a non weight bearing exercise so it won't hurt as much as walking does for those of you in later stages of hip arthritis! The first exercise in Standing is hip abduction. Use the counter top or a chair for support if you need it. Bring your leg out to the side keeping your foot pointed forward. Pause at your end range and lower back slowly. Slow controlled movements are best here!The next exercise is hip extension. This will strengthen your gluteus maximus and help with hip stability! Bring the leg straight backwards. Try to keep your knee straight during this exercise all the motion comes from your hip! Squeeze your butt muscle at the end range in order to strengthen your glute!Hamstring curl is next bend your knee bringing your heal towards your Butt (squeeze the back of your thigh to get a contraction of your hamstring muscle) this will also stretch the front of your quadricep and hip flexor as long as you don't bring your knee forward, watch for proper alignment! It is also important to stretch your inner groin and outer hip muscles. Simple way to do this is a figure four stretch. You can perform this easily by sitting in a chair and crossing your ankle over your opposite knee. Try to press your bent knee down towards the floor to release the inner groin muscle. Stretches you want to hold for at least 30 seconds, if you feel really tight hold even longer!Bonus stretch! Lastly, A Hip flexor stretch can be performed on the floor. You can use a pillow for comfort under your knee joint, place the opposite foot on the floor and lunge forward to move your hip into extension and allow for a stretch of your hip flexor muscles. Stay healthy and well!Lovingggg the better you,Melissa