This is a gentle healing routine to perform daily in order to help with generalized neck pain and stiffness!
First, warm up the muscles before stretching you can use a heating pad or electric blanket to do this!
If you do not have a heating pad perform shoulder circles instead this will provide
blood flow and circulation to the area as well.
Next, perform gentle active range of motion of the neck into extension, flexion, and rotation
to ensure full range of motion in all directions.
Your upper trapezius muscles can get tight causing neck tension... to stretch these muscles tilt your head bringing your ear towards your shoulder for 30 seconds on both sides.
Bring your nose towards your arm pit for a levator scap stretch feeling the stretch more along the
top of the shoulder blade and back of neck.
Lastly, finish with an isometric contraction of your neck muscles to prevent muscle guarding and
improve relaxation of your neck muscles.
Share will any friends and family who will benefit from this!
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The body's ability to heal itself naturally is actually not a new thing. A fractured bone will regrow and heal the break. Cut yourself shaving, and the skin will heal.
If you are having low back pain or hip pain your sciatic nerve may be pinched somewhere between the L4-L5-S1 vertebra.
These stretches help provide space again in the lumbar spine... as well as stretch the hip muscles that may be compressing the Sciatic nerve root.
1. Supine spinal twist
2. Ankle over knee Piriformis Stretch
3. Reclining Pigeon Wall Stretch
Make sure you are doing these stretches consistently (every day or every other day)! You didn't get tight overnight and you won't get loose overnight either!
Bunion and hammer toes
top 4 exercises
Your feet have so many intrinsic muscles that need to be stretched and exercised just like the rest of your body
Here are some exercises specifically to prevent and help with Bunion and hammer toes
Yoga Toes are a great purchase you can easily wear them at night to stretch your toe muscles....
I also added 2 Yin Yoga poses at the end to try!!
The Power Of SOUND
Sound healing helps the body do what it does best by realigning on a cellular level to heal itself.
It’s a scientific fact that everything in the universe is vibrating and everything has its own resonant frequency.
When those resonant frequencies get misaligned, that’s when disease or illness happens.
Every cell—every organ, every bit of blood, your brain, your entire body—has its own resonance, its own specific frequency. Sound healers restore or maintain those healthy frequencies.
I specifically use singing bowls and tunning forks to sonically lower your brainwave state—entering frequencies typically reserved for deep sleep—triggers the relaxation response.
It reduces your oxygen consumption, decreases your blood pressure, slows your heart rate and respiration rate, and relaxes your muscles, clearing the mind from anxiety and creating a feeling of calm and inner peace.
Sound can also help us reduce stress create a deep sense of well-being and even promote healing for major chronic Illnesses.
Biceps tendonitis, strain or tear
The Bicep has two attachments at the shoulder and one at the elbow.
Pain can occur anywhere along this area.
Here are some exercises for tendonitis, strains and tears of the bicep!
1. Bicep Curl
2. Anterior shoulder stretch
3. Shoulder External Rotator strengthening
4. Internal rotation stretch
If you are under stress you can have physical symptoms:
Headaches, upset stomach, High blood pressure, Emotional problems, Chest pain
Anxiety and worry. Meditation seems difficult at first if you don't know how to start! This video lays out a variety of simple meditation techniques you can use! Just 5 min of meditation can help move you from a stressful state (fight or flight) to a calm state (peaceful) which is so important to allow your body to heal!
Try these simple techniques:Â body Scan
Visualization, Tip of nose breathing, Mantra, Mudra